The new X60 commuter train at the Tungelsta station. Waiting for the train from Västerhaninge to arrive to the platform where the train meets as there's still only one railway track between Västerhaninge and Nynäshamn after more than a a century with the Nynäsbanan railway line. The station house is as old as the railway line and has been there since 1902.
Wednesday, December 31, 2008
At the Station
The new X60 commuter train at the Tungelsta station. Waiting for the train from Västerhaninge to arrive to the platform where the train meets as there's still only one railway track between Västerhaninge and Nynäshamn after more than a a century with the Nynäsbanan railway line. The station house is as old as the railway line and has been there since 1902.
Tuesday, December 30, 2008
The Hunting Blind
I headed for the forest today. It was cold and frosty but at least there was a blue sky. I was hoping to catch some of the local wildlife. That didn't happen. So I stopped and took a photo of this hunting blind. There are quite a few hunting blinds in this forest. Normally the hunters are looking to shoot roe deer or elk. No hunter around on this occasion, but I did meet one elk hunter earlier in the year.
Monday, December 29, 2008
Hammar in B&W
The Hammar estate in Tungelsta seen in black and white. Took the shot on my photo promenade today. A more colorful winter photo from Hammar can be seen here. And here is a spring version.
Sunday, December 28, 2008
Ramshackle of the year?
A couple of years ago the green park in Tungelsta won the national award, Park of the year which made some of the members of the local historical association very happy. But I also know that a few of them would like to see the Musikcentralen building go up in flames. And I know that some of the members that use this building (rock groups and other wanna-be musicians), are planning to rebuild the place and it's about time for that now me thinks. Same building back in March 2008.
Saturday, December 27, 2008
Summer vs. Winter
Summer and Winter at Lida. I have shown you this house a couple of times before. My grandfather Oskar Andersson was one of the builders, but he never lived here. Summer photo from May 2007. Winter version from January 2007. The house is on the market for around 12 million SEK.
Part of my new photo obsession, different seasons.
Friday, December 26, 2008
Horsing around
It was a cold day in Tungelsta yesterday. I took a midday promenade. Met one female jogger. One man on a bike and two families out on a brisk promenade. Oh, and this horse on a frosty field. It saw me coming, figured it was time for some sugar or perhaps a carrot. So it was a very disappointed horse that posed for me.
Thursday, December 25, 2008
Merry Christmas from Tungelsta
I used this winter photo taken in Tungelsta last year for my Christmas card that I sent to the relatives this year. And here is my Christmas card to all Daily Photo Bloggers around the world.
Wednesday, December 24, 2008
For many years this house along Hammarbergsvägen in Tungelsta was hidden behind the trees. It was built back in 1929. The family that lived here for many years was called Karlsson. They had three sons. One of them is the same age as my mother and she told me that the dad in the family was known as Karlsson med arslet. That translates to Karlsson with the arse! Not a very nice nickname. He might have been a builder. Anyway the house and property was sold earlier this year. As I walked by here yesterday I noticed the new owner in the garden. He was there with his wife and young son, and they were burning old trees and what have you. I asked him if I could have a look inside the old ramshackle that no one has lived in for a few years and possibly take some photos. He answered "sure, but not today as local kids have been trying to break in and now we can't open the door". He also told me that they will build a new home next to the old house and tear down this old building as soon as the new house is up. And that I was welcome to come back for a look inside after the holidays.
Tuesday, December 23, 2008
Spotted this Tomtenisse in a window at my old school in Tungelsta. A Tomtenisse is a mythical creature from Scandinavian folklore. They protected the farm at night when everyone was sleeping although my grandmother Alma Jansson used to tell us a story that she saw a Tomtenisse around their house when she was a kid. More about the Tomtenisse at Wikipedia.
Monday, December 22, 2008
The Medieval Church
The old church in Västerhaninge. It dates back 800 years. Lightning has struck the tower twice. The church was rebuilt after the latest fire back in 1831. Some reconstruction was made and the tower is now only thirty meters high compared with fifty five before the fire.
Sunday, December 21, 2008
Winter vs. Autumn
Winter vs. Autumn at Hammarbo in Tungelsta. Winter photo from November 2007. Autumn photo from September 2008. Hammarbo is today a psychiatric clinic. It was built as a private recidence many years ago by the Upmark family.
Saturday, December 20, 2008
Chainsaw Carving
Back in February I met and interviewed the artist Lennart Jansson at his workshop at Håga. Now it seems he is gone. Not sure what has happened. I stopped at an industrial area in Handen yesterday where you can see some of his art. Years ago he used to work from here, and I wanted to see if I could find out where he had gone, or perhaps talk to someone who knew him. After talking to one of the builders I was told to ask the manager. I found him in his rented office and he told me what he knew from the time Lennart was here. A few years ago Lennart needed a place where he could store some of his wooden sculptures as he had to move his workshop. Luckily the owner of Damaskus Maskinskydd agreed to have the pieces outside his building. Over the years a few of the smaller sculptures have been stolen by art lovers (?), as they were only protected by a fence. On my visit I counted that there was maybe five sculptures left. But sadly I couldn't find out any more recent news.
Friday, December 19, 2008
The Bio Fuel Power Plant
This is a panorama made from six photos.
A brand new view of the thermal power plant in Jordbro. For a couple of weeks workers have been busy cutting down trees where the new biofuel power plant will be built. The new plant will be using wooden pellets made from wood, crops, and waste. It will be finished in 2010.
Thursday, December 18, 2008
Wednesday, December 17, 2008
The Roundabout Dog
Looks like Storm, the roundabout dog in Västerhaninge is getting ready for Christmas. I guess this particular art phenomena has died down a bit since the peek a couple of years ago.
Tuesday, December 16, 2008
The Jazz Singer
As I was watching the 2008 Lucia Emma Johansson, perform with her maids at the shopping centre in Västerhaninge on Saturday, I spotted a very pretty Santa in the crowd. She turned out to be a jazz singer. This is Ulrika Goliats Fredriksson. She lives in Tungelsta and works as a salesperson. Her big passion is music. On this day she was singing with a band, The Anders Lindgren's Quartet. They played a few typical Christmas songs before and after the performance from the Lucia. In between gigs I got a chance to talk to her. As we started to chat the band leader, Anders Lindgren closed in on us and wanted to know from what paper this photographer came from! This is a busy season for Ulrika. Earlier in the week she performed for the Prime Minister, Fredrik Reinfeldt at the parliament building Rosenbad in Stockholm. It was a private affair with only the PM's closest advisor's. Next week she will be performing at the Ministry of the Environment. Ulrika also plays in a band called Stay Up and they play cover songs from the sixties and forward. After taking a few photos I stayed around and listened to a few songs and all I can say is that the girl can sing!
As I really enjoyed the 100 Strangers Project, I have decided to continue with that type of portraits. And this is fifth in the series.
Monday, December 15, 2008
The Anders Lindgren Quartet
The Anders Lindgren Quartet performing in Västerhaninge on Saturday. From left to right. Gustav Rosén, saxophone. On drums Bengt Tideström. Vocals by Ulrika Goliats Fredriksson (more of her tomorrow). The hidden bass player is Hans Carldén. On guitar Anders Ohlsson. And on keyboard, the band leader himself, Anders Lindgren. The band played traditional Christmas songs at the shopping centre before and after the performance by the Swedish Lucia Emma Johansson.
Normally a quartet would be four people, but I count six musicians here, but the more the merrier so why not!
Sunday, December 14, 2008
Lucia Bride of Sweden
This is Emma Johansson from Örkelljunga in Skåne. She has been crowned the 2008 Lucia Bride of Sweden as we celebrate Saint Lucy's Day. Emma visited the Christmas Market in Västerhaninge on Saturday with her Lucia maids as they sang the traditional songs in front of a capacity crowd at the shopping centre. After the performance they headed off to Skansen in Stockholm for the traditional celebration that takes place there every year.
Saturday, December 13, 2008
At the Christmas Market
A more traditional Christmas Market in Tungelsta today, compared to last weekend. Glögg and coffee was served in the cafeteria where a local group (including one of my strangers Rikard Lundin), sang Christmas Carols (possibly a video later). In the old greenhouse I met Mona Hartonen who sold stemware. I bought a couple of snaps glasses that Mona designed. That set me back 130 SEK.
Friday, December 12, 2008
Summer vs. Winter
A diptych showing Summer and Winter at Skogsekeby in Tungelsta.
Original Summer version from June 2005. And the Winter version from March 2008.
Thursday, December 11, 2008
Gingerbread House Competition
This is what you can see on a shelf above the meat counter at my local grocery store in Tungelsta. An ongoing Gingerbread House competition just in time for Christmas. School kids (wannabe architects), from the Tungelsta School competing. I picked my three faves. They are all way cooler than my try a few years back anyway :-)
Wednesday, December 10, 2008
It's snowing again
The view from a window on the second floor here at Bergdalen in Tungelsta this afternoon. It started to snow one hour ago. The yellow house on Kvarnvägen (Mill Road), is known as The Rose Garden. 100 years ago a gardener called Gustav Andersson bought some land there. He was followed by my great grandfather who bought the property across the road, from where I shot this photo. Same place a little greener from May 2008. The greenhouses on that property are long gone. Replaced by apartments and a retirement home.
Tuesday, December 09, 2008
Building Site
A building site update. Between the old Parsonage Estate and the Mormon Temple in Västerhaninge 100 new apartments are being built. The first tenants have already moved in as the building site is nearing completion.
Monday, December 08, 2008
The Santa Collectors
This is Sune and Gunvor. From Jordbro. I met them yesterday at a rainy Christmas market in Tungelsta. They have been visiting this market for the last four years. It's their busy season. They have one big interest. Hard to guess? Not really. The collect Santa's. They also sell them at different markets. After ten years of collecting they now have 3200 Santa's at their home at Mjölnartäppan 60, where you can have a look at their collection and perhaps buy a Santa or two. A while back they were interviewed by a news paper about their collection, and it will feature here in two weeks time.
As I really enjoyed the 100 Strangers Project, I have decided to continue with that type of portraits. This is the fourth photo in the series .
Sunday, December 07, 2008
Meet the Brandbergen Santa. Or Ronny as his friends call him. He was at a Christmas Market in Tungelsta on Saturday. Ronny is a certified Santa and a member of the Swedish Santa Association. He hurt his back many years ago and was unable to work for a long time. Then his friend and neighbour from Brandbergen asked him if he would like a job as a Santa. That was six years (and many Christmas Markets), ago. On his first gig the kids pulled his fake beard and Ronny quickly learned his lesson. Now he has a true Santa beard. As I talked to
As I really enjoyed the 100 Strangers Project, I have decided to continue with that type of portraits. This is the third photo in the series .
Saturday, December 06, 2008
The Steam Train
My former neighbour Marie, one of her daughters and a bunch of grandkids at the Tungelsta commuter station waiting to get aboard the steam train. The 1136 locomotive was built in 1912.
There's a steam train museum in Nynäshamn. A few times every year they arrange a ride between Stockholm and Nynäshamn.
Friday, December 05, 2008
Library Window
Christmas decorations at the Västerhaninge public library. You really don't need to do more than this me thinks. If you feel like reading a book or listening to one, or perhaps see a movie (they have DVD's), drop by the library. And there's the "Friends of the Library group" that invites authors and such.
Thursday, December 04, 2008
Ingvar & Kajsa
This is Ingvar. I met him in Jordbro yesterday. He was out on a lunch break promenade. Ingvar works at Bilia Hyundai. A company that sell Hyundai cars. He works at the service section, and has done so for the last five years. He lives at Enskede in the southern parts of Stockholm. Ingvar thinks that Sweden is fantastic. His little dog is called Kajsa. She's a Cavalier King Charles Spaniel. After this brief conversation I took a couple of photos and that was that.
As I really enjoyed the 100 Strangers Project, I have decided to continue with that type of portraits. This is the second photo in the series .
Wednesday, December 03, 2008
City Hall Reflection
Tuesday, December 02, 2008
Cheap Lunch For the Sheep
I didn't take many photos yesterday. It was dark, gloomy and rainy, and today was even worse and I havnt touched the camera today so here's one of the few shots I took yesterday. Lunch at the sheep pasture. The sheep belong to Karin Mörling who I met earlier this year for a chat and a photo.
Monday, December 01, 2008
Windows and Mysteries

I have a thing for circles. I see them everywhere. Here's four good ones from my flickr collection that has some 400 photos.
Top left is from a church window in Handen. I was out on a photo promenade with a friend a while back. By chance we ended up having coffee at the church as all the cafe's were closed. After the coffee break we took the opportunity to have a look around and that's when I photographed the circular window.
Top right. A circular hole in the wall at the mall in Handen. The stairs leads down to a square where you will find the cultural centre.
Bottom left. A mystery stone. One of six King Stones at Sanda. No one knows for certain what they mean or who made them. For centuries local people have speculated about their origin. One theory says that the stones were made after a visit of an unknown King. It is said that the King was a bit of a ladies man and that he had fathered a few children in the neighbourhood. I guess we will never know for certain.
Bottom right. Another little mystery from Sanda. Out on a bicycle ride I noticed a home made sign on a gravel road. The sign read Chicken Pasture Cottage. Intrigued I stopped and walked up a hill and when I came around a corner I found a red cottage that looked just like a museum. Or an old summer house. I called out but no one answered. So I decided to have a look around. I got the camera ready and for ten minutes I walked around the place taking photos. Up against a wall I found this wooden wheel. Later I have talked with a few people, interested in local history, but no one seems to know anything about this place.
This is theme day. The theme is Circles/Spheres. Click here to view thumbnails for all participants for the month of December.
Sunday, November 30, 2008
Minimalism Sunday
Saturday, November 29, 2008
Winter Tree
This will be the last winter photo for a while as all the snow now has melted away. This photo was taken just a couple of days ago and this is of course my favorite tree, as you probably know by now. I now have 161 photos of this Oxel or Swedish Whitebeam! Beat that if you can. It's amazing how it looks different every time I walk down the path that you can see to the right.
Friday, November 28, 2008
Geological Investigation
Out on a promenade in Tungelsta I noticed this technician from WSP the other day. Probably doing some geometry ground analysis. Next year work will start on a second rail track between Västerhaninge and Tungelsta and around here, at the intersection between Allévägen and Hammarbergsvägen, there will be a bridge over the railroad. Same(?) technician at the Krigslida commuter station back in February.
Thursday, November 27, 2008
Window Reflection
A window at the beautiful Station House in Tungelsta. The building dates back to 1901 when the railway line between Stockholm and Nynäshamn opened for traffic. Today the art and handicraft organisation Handlaget occupies the bottom floor. The reflection comes from the local pizza place which has a history of it's own. It is said that the building was moved from nearby Fors to Tungelsta at the turn of the last century. Back then it was a grocery store owned by a man locally known as Svin-Kalle. Svin means pig in case you were wondering.
Wednesday, November 26, 2008
Malin Schön
A while back I got a comment on one of my flickr photos. The commenter was a bit upset (in a friendly way), that I hadn't managed to photograph any of her horses! Well, yesterday I met the commenter in question by chance. This is Malin Schön. Originally from Helsinki, she now lives with her husband in Krigslida here in Haninge. Malin is crazy about Icelandic Horses . She works as a horse instructor at the riding school at the Fors Horse Farm (when she's not competing with her horses). She is also a certified massage therapists. And she spends a lot of her time at the Mulsta Horse Farm where I met her today.
As I really enjoyed the 100 Strangers Project, I have decided to continue with that type of portraits. And this is the first one.
Tuesday, November 25, 2008
Monday, November 24, 2008
A Yellow Cottage
Living next to the railway track can have it's disadvantages. As the platform at the commuter station in Tungelsta needed more space, an old cottage had to be removed. But now as the work has finished the owners have a brand new cottage and also a fence protecting them from the platform.
Sunday, November 23, 2008
Winter Mirror
Saturday, November 22, 2008
How D'ye Do?
A red squirrel up in the oak in the back garden, enjoying it's lunch. Looks like it's hazel nuts on the menu today, on this the real first day of winter. More squirrels here.
Friday, November 21, 2008
Pausing For a Photo
I noticed this Christmas decoration outside the Paus cafe in Västerhaninge (at the shopping centre), yesterday . So I paused for a photo. No one was enjoying lunch or coffee outside, despite the new seat coverings. Probably because of the freezing temperature. I mentioned that fact to my optician who walked by as I was planning the shot, and he said "I'm not sitting there" and then he quickly walked away.
I took a long walk to buy some eggs and milk. From Tungelsta to Västerhaninge and back. It's around 10 km and the walk normally takes me 90 minutes.
Thursday, November 20, 2008
Sky Watch at 13:08
The commuter trains in Stockholm are rarely on time. If it isn't because of the winter cold it's probably because of the summer heat. Or there's something on the track, like autumn leafs or even an electrocuted rat. Or a power outage. In Nynäshamn where the Nynäsbanan rail road ends, the local politicians decided to put in buses to Stockholm as the commuters were in uproar after the latest repair job. But when I took this fine photo of the clock at the Krigslida commuter station the other day, a voice from a loudspeaker repetitively told me that all the trains were running on schedule at the moment. How about that?
Wednesday, November 19, 2008
But it still looks kinda silly..
The benefits from Nordic Walking:
# increased overall strength and endurance in the core muscles and the entire upper body
# significant increases in heart rate at a given pace
# greater ease in climbing hills
# burning more calories than in plain walking
# improved balance and stability with use of the poles
# significant un-weighting of hip, knee and ankle joints
# creates positive total body bone density-preserving stress
(facts from wikipedia)
Photo taken from the Krigslida commuter station in Haninge.
Tuesday, November 18, 2008
Crisis? What Crisis?
Monday, November 17, 2008
OCM 213 (after the joyride)
Every year around 35 000 cars are stolen in Sweden. 3500 of those car thefts will be solved by the police. Maybe that's why the owner (or the insurance company) has failed to remove this SAAB from where it was dumped more then two weeks ago, close to my local grocery store in Tungelsta.
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