Coincidences are fun. Heading home I noticed four people working in a roundabout in Jordbro. They were busy arranging hundreds of plants in the roundabout. I walked over to see if I could find a stranger to photograph. I could. This is
Peter Gaunitz. He is a professional landscape designer. His work takes him all over Sweden, but he is based in Alnarp outside Malmö in Skåne. I asked him if he had done any other work in Haninge, and he said, yes at the
Tungelsta Park. I'm from Tungelsta I said. Turns out Peter knew some of the gardeners there, among them
Janne Sandh who he went to school with at Alnarp, the agricultural college. Janne used to organize our canoeing trips he said. Great fun it was, way back when. Peter also gives lectures about stuff like Wetland and Pond Vegetation Design and Water Plant Establishment Strategies and Methods. He sells literature and also teaches. And he has his own
website. This is my 39th photo for the
100 Strangers project. You can see the rest of my strangers
in my Set.