It's elk hunting season. I met one of Sweden's 270 000 elk hunters just two days ago. He was standing at his designated spot at Ormsta in Västeraninge. Meet
Rolf. Born and raised in Stockholm he moved to Vendelsö in Haninge back in 1974, where he works as a carpenter. His big hobby over the last 15 years has been hunting. Most of the time he hunts for deer and hare, but he has also shot two elks over that period. The first one, not far from where we met. It was a very special feeling he told me. I was told to wait close to where an elk had been spotted earlier, and was very surprised when it came back to that same opening in the forest. The elk is a majestic animal, known here as the
King of the forest, so it wasnt easy for Rolf to shoot it. This year his team can shoot one fully-grown adult elk and as many calves as they can find in their hunting area, which is around 500 hectares of open fields and forests. As we talked we could see and hear the hunting dogs coming out of the forest. Here are some facts. Across Sweden there are some 350,000 elks, and every year one third of these will be culled. You can read more about
hunting in Sweden here. We talked for about ten minutes or so, I then took my photos and continued down the gravel road towards Österhaninge.
This is my 96th photo for the
100 Strangers project. You can see the rest of my strangers
in my Set.