New red row-houses at Kvadrantvägen, Vegastaden. Built last year. They are called gavelradhus, and what you don't see here are the roof terraces on the other side, facing the forest. The nearest school is just across the road. There are also several pre-schools here. Equally, close is the grocery store where there is a gym on the roof! Also, this is just a short walk from the new commuter station where you will find more restaurants, cafés, and more. And if you are a car person, the motorway to Stockholm is also quite close. As are two big malls in Handen. The houses are Nordic Swan Ecolabelled. Oh, and both photos are panoramic images shot with my old canon 77D, using the 60mm lens,
Love the colour of these terrace homes.
You can't miss it. In our hometown we sldo have a block of houses in this colour as well.
Very nice in that mercury red Stefan.
A neighbourhood that has so many business close by is a winner.
Very colourful.
That sounds like a well planned neighbourhood. Love that red.
Me gusta esa consecución de elementos repetitivos. El color rojo llama mucho la atención.
A piece of great architecture. Your photography shows no distortions either.
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