Whenever I take the bicycle on a long ride, in and around Stockholm I usually take the Skanstull bridge and from up there you can look down at this concrete pier, or betongbrygga in Swedish. Anyway, I decided to give you a better look from street level, so to speak. So this is how it looks from Södra Hammarbyhamnen, in Hammarby Sjöstad. During the Summer month, this pier is always filled with sunbathers, young and old.
You should not sail into that. Looks very sturdy.
The canal is just behind the pier, can't remember hearing about an accident here, but you never know!
I like that view.
Swedes seem to love sunbathing.
Some nice eye candies there. The stadium looks like the ones in Olympic themed swimming pool.
Our main hobby when the sun shines.
I will have to look up who designed it. This was an industrial zon before all the apartments were built.
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