It was a brutally warm day. I had been out on a long bike ride, in total around 80km. I parked the bike at Mariatorget on Södermalm, and walked up to the Ivar Lo park which has the best view over the city, at Monteliusvägen. That turned out to be a bad idea. Walking in, I was close to a heat stroke. A few people gave me worried looks as I made my way towards a bench in the shade. I sat down for a few minutes, drank a bottle of water before snapping a photo of the Ivar Lo bust. Ivar was a childhood friend to my grandfather, and he grew up to become a famous author. He lived across the street from the park for half a century, and after his death in 1990 the park was renamed in his honour. After regaining my strength I walked back down the hill, drank another bottle of water, before cycling over to the Woodland Cemetery where I cooled down in the restroom with more water, and a few minutes later I pedaled for home, a 25 km ride. After an early dinner, I was out of it for the rest of the evening.
I can imagine how you must have felt, we northen people are not made for heat days...
Lucky for you to have an electric bike now. Its really hot these days and am afraid we will feel more of it in the coming years.
I am very good at finding myself in situations like this one, so I will never go anywhere without enough water.
According to the meteorologists Summer ended two days ago when we had another day with 26C. I was at an event and it sure was a warm end to the summer. Photos to come, but I am at least one week behind with my photo editing.
That's too close. Heat stroke is not a place you want to be in.
Good photo.
Heat is a serious issue. Take care of yourself.
You could easily get heatstroke here today. It is good that you had water with you.
In the first instant, I thought this was a statue for Mao Zhe Dong... My goose bumps came up suddenly. Then I read your story to learn it was an misconception. lol.
Stay hydrated and stay in cool places. I don't like heat at all.
You'd need lots of water in the heatwave I've heard Europe is having, stay hydrated.
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