The temperature dropped a few days ago and we got a thin layer of snow. That change in the weather was enough for the ice to form on the lakes again. This was Nedre Rudasjön, the lower lake, at Rudan in Handen yesterday. A few people sitting, or standing out on the frozen lake ice-fishing. Oh, and please check out this video. I follow three walking channels from around Stockholm and a woman shot this from a lake in Nacka called Källtorpssjön.
This is a scary freezing weather. I remember you were saying all the snow already melted early in the week.
Nice to to see them back fishing on the ice. Personally I prefer to go fishing when the weather is warmer.
Nice composition in that cold.
Lots of skaters out there on the ice.
I biked past another lake today, the one where I have photographed ice skaters before. There were too many to count!
A quienes vivimos en lugares donde no nieva (en mi ciudad hace cerca de 70 años que no ocurre) este tipo de imágenes nos producen cierta envidia, aunque bien pensado debe ocasionar no pocas molestias. En cualquier caso hermosa estampa
At least they are warmly dressed for a cold day on the lake.
That would be cold sitting out there in the open hoping to catch something. I hope the ice is thick enough. Everything is melting here again.
Oddly we haven't had our Canal opened for skating yet.
I confess: I skimmed through the video. So many good skaters! And the ice looked pretty smooth. I skated only once on a pond, when I was living in NY, and not being a good skater (Texan) (only once or twice on artificial rinks) I was surprised! There were little bumps and things. But it was very enjoyable anyway.....much nicer than inside. So fun can be had in a cold climate. Well, that's not exactly news. Anyway, thanks.
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