Turning to the left after shooting yesterday's photo, we now look at a building from 1895 at Birger Jarlsgatan. Or, wait a minute, that looks more like a huge advertisement for something really unnecessary, my bad.
Daily photos, portraits, and stories from Haninge, Stockholm and Södertörn in Sweden.
Magnificent architecture, but the ad is jarring.
That is unfortunate.
Has tomado la distancia necesaria para mostrar bien el edificio. No tienes la culpa de que hayan situado ese cartel publicitario, que estorba en la visualización de la fachada.
Que tengas un feliz domingo.
That is a huge advertisement.
It was actually the ad that made me take the photo.
You definitely can't miss that ad. I never seen one that big.
How much would that ad cost? Pity it blocks the facade of the heritage building
I couldnt find any facts about that I'm afraid. But I know that there are only offices in the old building. Had I panned to the right past the building in yesterday's post you would have seen a digital sign that covers the entire facade on another building.
That big ad really messes up the building. Ironically, they are trying to sell something classy, and it looks trashy.
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