Back in November, I noticed that some trees had been cut down on a hill at Mulsta in Tungelsta. And a couple of weeks ago I spotted some sort of building under construction. The family that lives at the farm, the Andersson's, have done so for two hundred years. They have a horse farm. You have met one them, Josefine. No clue as yet what this will be. If it is a new house, it will have a decent view from up there. I guess it could also be a stable. Time will tell, I guess. Oh, and the building in the foreground is a preschool called Lilla Lillgården.
This house would have a good view
Would be nice if there were a law requiring that when trees are cut down the instigator is obliged to replant the same number somewhere nearby.
We have a law about that.
It's a mystery! I hope you figure it out Stefan.
The view from there would be very appealing to me.
Would horses appreciate such a view?
That is a good question. They would see a forest to the left. Then a new housing area that I have shown you before, followed by the preschool, a road, open fields, a roundabout, and further away, the commuter station.
They still chopped down the trees in Lillgården during nesting season (May). Only to make a temporary parking spot for builders who didn't even start until November! I was heartbroken! We have mindre hackspett in that immediate area, but I haven't seen or heard them since. Apparently there are recommendations but building firms don't actually have to follow them. There's also problems with this on Dalarö.
It is sad to see so many trees gone.
Not really. Sweden is mostly forest.
So. Something is happening. Even in my little town, there are things happening, most of which only become obvious later. So I trust you will keep us posted!!
A good view.
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