Situated at Söder Mälarstrand at Högalid, this is Lorensberg. Also spelled, Lorentzberg. Named after Lorentz Johan Götherström. Built as a janitor's house around 1860. Hard to believe, but back then there were 12 apartments here. There were a few more buildings here, but they are long gone. The building to the right was used for storage. The building is owned by the city and was renovated in the 1980s. This is just down the street from the two days of posting that I did recently with the store fronts.
It looks nice with that two chimneys.
I like the view.
Two landmark buildings in the background. I have shown both of them on the blog before.
Pretty impressive for a janitor's house back in the day. The view is quite nice too.
It is a fine looking building. I like the colour.
Ample chimneys....good. Janitor et al won't freeze. Lovely light.
It really has that refreshing classic look to it
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