Four photos from Skeppargränd, (ship alley). A very short street, or alley, at Åsöberget. The same hill at Södermalm with that lookout point I showed you two days ago. The previous name was Sågargränd, because some of the people that lived here were sawyers. All the wooden buildings here are more than 300 years old. All listed, and today owned by the city. If you would like to live here, you can expect to queue for quite a few years. Three hundred years ago, when these buildings were new, this was a very poor part of Stockholm. Many of the people that lived here worked in the tar industry. Later, one or two artists have lived and worked here, including Carl Larsson.
I did a little Google walk around the streets of the neighborhood. Super nice.
Nice captures!
It looks like a fine place to live. My mum loved Carl Larsson's work.
The ship alley in mist is very mysterious looking. The architecture is superb
Very atmospheric images.
The mist adds the right touch.
What a beautiful part of town. Really a place to take a leisurely walk through.
I love the atmosphere.
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