A good place for fishing. In the stream a Håvfiskebåt. Owned by Lars Olof "Stor-Olle" Högberg for 70 years. He bought it aged 13. He fished a lot and also found a few dead bodies and jewels in the water over the decades.Oh, and the location is pretty good. I am standing at the Royal Palace shooting this. The building across the water is The Royal Swedish Opera. And if I had panned to the left you would have seen the Parliament building.
Looks like a great place to be on a summer day.
Good viewpoint indeed.
He was a lucky man. Who owns it now?
Quite a view!
Is Lars still alive?
Oh my. I've looked this up and google won't give me anything that's not in Swedish. In which I have a very limited vocabulary. But I gather Hogberg bought the little promontory of land....when did he sell it? Or did someone inherit it. Prime real estate for sure. I wouldn't mind fishing there.
He owned the boat, Judith, the land is owned by the City.
Yes he is,Linda. He is 87 years old. He lives in an apartment on Götgatan, at Södermalm in Stockholm. I went for a walk there the other day, doing some street photography.
He sounds like quite a man,dont think I'd like to find dead bodies though
Ah. Thank you Stefan. Nice to read he still lives, and so does his boat!!
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