There I was, in the old town, doing some street photography. I spotted the photographer just as she spotted me. I snapped a quick photo of her, and half a second later I was nearly run over by a car driving up the street. Missed me by a whisker. But I got the shot.
She has a beautiful smile... and they are contagious. (‾⌣‾)
Nice catch again.
The risks or being a photographer! Have a great week!
She has a nice smile. Glad you were not run over.
Nice capture.
A good portrait. And lucky you.
Lucky indeed, she mentioned the fact that it was a close call.
Did SHE get the shot of you?
Great shot! And I'm glad you lived to tell the tale.
I've had a couple of near hits myself....dangerous world, sometimes, street photography, haha.
She was with a friend, they continued up another street, not sure if she had the time to snap one of me.
Well done! Phew..
You spotted each other.
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