This is Götgatan, and more specifically Götgatsbacken at Södermalm in Stockholm. I often use this street, coming or going to the Nation's capitol. There's always something to see or do here. Lots of stores, pubs, restaurants and more. And also a good spot for street photography. It can get very crowded, especially in the Summer, with tourists, locals, delivery trucks and what have you filling up the street, but this time of the year not so much.
What a great street view. That arena in the background looks like a giant moon rising.
A wonderful street view. I like the hanging lights over the streets.
Nice energy in this photo. I wondered about the "giant moon" too!
It must be so nice in the summer. You have no snow!
I like the look of it.
It snowed last night, so everything was white this morning. We are expecting a snow storm Sunday night.
Looks slippery to me with snow.
The huge arena has a new name since last year, it is now called The Avicii Arena. I first visited "Globen" back in 1989 when it was brand new, watching Sweden play Canada in the Ice hockey World championships.
Usually no real problems here s.c, at least if you wear what you should this time of the year.
A very nice looking street.
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