I took a walk at Lake Magelungen with one of the usual suspects. It was a great Summer day, 26C from a blueish sky. You will find yourself both in Stockholm and Huddinge during the walk. We walked from Ågesta Broväg along the boardwalk, past a beach and an old Inn, an outdoor gym and then continued over the old military bridge to Farstanäset where I decided to photograph a bunch of houses, new and old.
Great show of your environment. Beautiful nature and sparsly in use.The buildings are also very nicely balanced with its surroundings.
Beautiful views. I see you were noticed.
Just after I spotted the roe deer in the garden we had to turn around as the path ahead was flooded No such worries for the wildlife.
The yellow building can be rented for a night or a week.
What a super series of images Steffe, summer is really with you now, as is winter with us, so cold today 😊 Gorgeous shot of the deer in the garden 💚
Fantastic views, it looks so peaceful there. Nice capture of the deer.
What a fabulous walk that was!
Oh, it all looks so idyllic. Glad you appreciate it and let others see it.
Lovely homes!
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