I walked around Lake Muskan in Ösmo a while back, together with one of the usual suspects. It is a 9km walk, mostly through a forest, but still close to the water for most of the way. We set off from Breddal where I spotted this "flytbrygga". I saw quite a few abandoned row boats like the one in the second photo. From the far end of the lake you can see that floating dock again. This area is popular with both birdwatchers and hunters. The hunting blind pobably works for both interests. The local wildlife kept us under observation. The next photo shows a "herrgård" at Körunda. Built around 1730 for Johan Enanderhjelm. Photographed from the opposite side of the lake. Next to it the hotel and conference centre at the Körunda golf club. We made a pit stop at the nineteenth hole btw. The red cottage dates back at least 300 years, it is called Sjötäppan. Just after the cottage you walk over a little stream where you can rest your tired legs on a bench. It was a very warm day so we stopped for a swim at this little beach. We were the only ones there. I biked past it just a few days ago and on that day it was packed with people. Did I mentioned that it was very green everywhere? Next a reconstruction of a longhouse from the Iron Age. The Viking thing was big here with markets and what have you in the 90s, but it sure looks abandoned today. You will find the decaying ping-pong table at the golf hotel. We walked for a bit along the edges of the golf coure before walking by this sauna down by the water. Must be great on a cold Winter day! Last a look over the lake from a hill. This was a great walk. We only met one other person during our promenade which was a bit unsuspected as part of the walk goes along the very popular Sörmlandsleden.
What a great place to walk and explore. My favorite is the old boat by the tree.
What a great walk. I never see that much green where I live!
I love the looks I get when I pass the golf club in Körunda in my former military Tgb 11 =)
Golfers are a weird bunch. I came in soaking wet after my swim at the nearby beach and that was enough to get them looking and probably talking...
How nice to see a bench on that bridge, great spot for lunch.
Your third shot is my favourite.
What a splendid walk. So green, so much water. You never mention mosquitos. Are there no mosquitos in Sweden? I guess I could look that up myself. Either you are very accustomed to them, or perhaps there are none...which would be edenic.
There were lots of mosquitos Judith.
What a lovely views and a challence to find the right spots for a photo. Well done.
I'm curious about the iron age house because we don't have that level of history here, would it have had timber walls originally?
I'm guessing that the walls were made using turf and clay and that they used timber for the framing, as well as for the walls and the roof. The most important thing already back then was the location as they had many enemies!
Aha. Either you were being stoic, or you're one of those people they don't like much (they used to like me, but don't much anymore), or you sprayed down with DEET. Well, sigh. Sweden is not Eden.
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