Sunday, June 23, 2024

Arvfurstens palats

Arvfurstens palats
Arvfurstens palats at Gustav Adolfs torg. The building was constructed in the 1790s for Princess Sophia-Albertina, designed by Erik Palmstedt. A haunted house according to Bengt, one of my long time Flickr contacts. Today you will find the Ministry for Foreign Affairs here. This building sits next to the Prime Minister's residence that I showed you a few days ago.


roentare said...

The facade is so neat and clean. So elegant.

Jack said...

It is a handsome building. And, as Roentare says, elegant.

Stefan Jansson said...

You get an even better view from the front, which is facing a square in front of the opera house.

RedPat said...

Such a solid looking building.

Bill said...

Very impressive looking building.

Catarina said...

Pretty neat building.

s.c said...

Nice building indeed.

Jim said...

Great architecture.