It was a cold night. The leafs changed their color overnight. This was the tree lined avenue Allévägen in Lida this afternoon.
Tuesday, September 30, 2008
Autumn Avenue
It was a cold night. The leafs changed their color overnight. This was the tree lined avenue Allévägen in Lida this afternoon.
Monday, September 29, 2008
Minimalistic Monday
Over at flickr I'm one of the moderators at a cool group called Blue Yonder. It's for photos with a clear blue sky with no more then one object in the photo. This is a detail of a big crane used at a building site that I keep track on.
Sunday, September 28, 2008
Relaxing on a bench in Västerhaninge, this is Hassan (It's not his real name, but it's what everyone calls him, he told me). I noticed him because of his military uniform and figured that he had to be my next stranger. Hassan is a member of the Swedish Home Guard. A volunteer organisation. His battalions job is to guard and protect Swedish infrastructure against sabotage. They operate on land and from boats and work mainly around the Muskö Base here in Haninge. Did those last sentences sound familiar? Well they should. I met Ante on this exact spot the day before I met Hassan, and they are both members of the same local organisation. There you go, another cool coincidence! Back to Hassan, he lives in Huddinge. He is married, and has four kids that do their best to keep him busy. He works at Karolinska Institutet, one of Europe's largest medical universities, at CeFAM, where he teaches graduate students everything they need to know about statistics. And as he must have a few degrees in mathematics, I'm sure Hassan can come up with an equation that will explain all these coincidences that seem to pop up everywhere I go these days!
This is my 87th photo for the 100 Strangers project. You can see the rest of my strangers in my Set.
Saturday, September 27, 2008
How Many Dogs?
Last weekend at the art exhibition one of the artists, Annie Forsberg asked my flickr contact Kenny if he knew how many dogs you could find on the door to the medieval church in Österhaninge. The church is just down the road from the gallery. I had no idea about any dogs so yesterday when I was in the area I decided to have a look at the door in question.
Friday, September 26, 2008
Meet Ulla
Say hello to Ulla. I met her on last week in Handen. She was on her lunch break and looking forward to get a bite to eat, but still had time to talk with me for a few minutes. Ulla lives and works here in Handen. I'm employed by the council and work with kids she told me. What do you do for kicks I asked. I enjoy dancing she said. And recommended me to try one of her favorite dances the Lindy Hop. I'm sure seeing me dance would be very funny I replied. She's also tried skydiving. So you are like one of those adrenaline junkies then I asked, and laughingly she said I guess so. As my last question I asked her to recommend a cool place for a holiday and Ulla's suggestion was Brazil. She'd been to Natal once and had a great time.
This is my 86th photo for the 100 Strangers project. You can see the rest of my strangers in my Set.
Thursday, September 25, 2008
A truck with modules to the prefab houses arrives to Stora Arken in Handen.

And here is one of the buildings that are being constructed here:
And here is one of the buildings that are being constructed here:
Wednesday, September 24, 2008
A Reflection
Another reflection shot from Lake Rudan. A recreational area in Handen that I visit every week year round.
Tuesday, September 23, 2008
Meet Ante
As the sun was shining all the cool kids put on their shades (me included). This is Ante. He lives in Västerhaninge and that's where I met him. He is a carpenter. When he told me that I decided to check the coincidence factor by telling him that I met and photographed two carpenters for the strangers project a few months ago. As I started to describe how they looked Ante stopped me by saying that it sounded like his neighbour Lippen! Some more facts about Ante. His big hobby is sailing. He owns a wooden sail boat, a Neptunkryssare and spends much of his free time on the boat, that he has at a marina on the island of Yxlö in the Stockholm archipelago. Ante is a member of the Swedish Home Guard. A volunteer organisation. His battalions job is to guard and protect Swedish infrastructure against sabotage. They operate on land and from boats and work mainly around the Muskö Base here in Haninge. After this conversation I took a number of photos and then we said goodbye.
This is my 85th photo for the 100 Strangers project. You can see the rest of my strangers in my Set.
Monday, September 22, 2008
Fall Into Autumn

Today is Höstdagjämning. Autumn is officially here. So I took a walk and shot nothing but leafs. This is my new desktop photo.
Sunday, September 21, 2008
Sky Window
A window at a construction site in Handen. When it's finished it will be a six storey building. Click here to see the how the building looked just a couple of weeks ago. This is not a reflexion.
Saturday, September 20, 2008
Alexej Svetlov
At the Art Exhibition. This is Alexej Svetlov. He is originally from Saint Petersburg, Russia but lives in Sweden today. And from today, until the 5th of October you can see some of his artwork at the Kyrkskolan Gallery in Österhaninge. Alexej is into Visual arts and has also worked as an actor, and as a scenographer. I visited the exhibition this afternoon together with my flickr contact Kenny Lex who paid for the coffee, thanks for that Kenny!
Friday, September 19, 2008
Malin (coolest coincidence ever)
I'm on the bike at the automatic level crossing at Lida, waiting for the commuter train to pass. Malin who was out jogging in the sunshine, makes a comment about how typical it is to arrive just as a train is closing in, and we start talking. I notice that she is pregnant and Malin says that the baby is due in January. Boy or a girl, I ask. Don't know she says with a big smile. Malin who is a big animal lover opened a pet store with a couple of friends a few years back. It's still open but I now work for an insurance company she tells me. Once the baby is born I'm hoping that we can also add a dog to the family. Malin is a sporty girl, having played soccer for many years. As a kid she was into diving. Have you tried anything else I ask. Yes, para gliding she says. Cool, I reply, and start to tell her about one of my previous strangers, Johan Henschen who had an accident while para motoring abroad. She looks at me and laughs, that's my dad! How cool is that! Apparently Johan hasn't told his daughter about being photographed for the 100 Strangers Project, so I tell her the very interesting story that meeting generated. I've been reading a few articles in the media lately about the author Helena Henschen, who has written two very interesting books (one about a famous murder story in the family), and asks Malin if it is the same family. It is she says, Helena is my dads sister. That's enough coincidences for today and as the train has passed by a few minutes ago we say goodbye.
This is my 84th photo for the 100 Strangers project. You can see the rest of my strangers in my Set
Thursday, September 18, 2008
A 360 Panorama

The old tree at Välsta and it's surroundings. Nearly saw the sun today. But there was of course some rain...
Wednesday, September 17, 2008
Wildlife Encounter
I met this Roe Deer the other day close to the Slätmossen nature park in Handen. There's a children's playground some fifty metres away, where a bunch of dogs were playing on the playground slide while barking like mad. That didn't seem to bother the deer, who had it's eyes fixed on me.
Tuesday, September 16, 2008
European Heritage Days
This is an old cottage called Janstorp located next to the homestead museum in Västerhaninge. The museum used to be known as Sotholms Härads Tingshus. Originally this little cottage was located in Handen along the Nynäs Road. Last Sunday the museum and the cottage, along with 200 other similar places around Sweden was open for the public during Kulturhusens dag, Savour the Buildings, part of the European Heritage Days. The theme of the 2008 European Heritage Days focuses on buildings which are devoted to producing, preparing or serving food and drink. I met a few of the members, including the photographer, historian and author Bo Stjernström. I have a copy of one of his books, Life and Death at Näringsberg, that he wrote together with his wife Anita who I also briefly met today . I wasnt really hungry, so I skipped the food and enjoyed some coffee and cake with Sune Nilsson another member of the homestead society. I also met the mother of one of my strangers, Agnes, that I met at the gallery in Österhaninge one week ago.
Monday, September 15, 2008
Armed Robbery
There was an armed robbery at Jordbro today. Two men held up a security guard vehicle from Loomis at Moränvägen at the Jordbro Galleria. The robbers disappeared on mopeds. I was in the area and decided to stay around. Took some photos of police cars, onlookers and a police helicopter that circled the area for half an hour before landing in a park. More police arrived and after 20 minutes the helicopter did another search of the area.
Sunday, September 14, 2008
This is Jarmo Alanko. He is in charge of Security, Health and Environment at Drefvikens Värmeverk, part of Vattenfall, (the largest generator of heat in Europe). I met him yesterday during the open house day at the Thermal Power Plant in Jordbro. We sat down at a table and talked for about ten minutes. Jarmo is used to talking to the press and media, and handles some of the company's contacts with the authority's. He has appeared in court on a few occasions for the company, on environmental issues, always on the winning side. He told me a lot about his job and the new power plant that will be built here over the next two years. Jarmo has appeared in a few advertisements for Vattenfall. On a recent TV ad shoot, eight people worked hard for ten hours and I appeared in that ad for about two seconds he told me with a laugh! He is often out talking to students at the University's. Four times every year we rent the Marine World Kolmården and invites some 10 000 clients, so I'm very at ease interacting with a lot of people he said. He also told me this story. Jarmo who originally comes from Eskilstuna is married and has two kids. The family lives in Västerhaninge. On his free time he enjoys working out in the gym. I'm a health freak, and average eight sessions per week he said.
This is my 83th photo for the 100 Strangers project. You can see the rest of my strangers in my Set
Saturday, September 13, 2008
Biofuel Power Plant
A panorama made from four photos, showing the Jordbro thermal power station. Owned by Vattenfall, the largest generator of heat in Europe. There was an open house here today. I took the guided tour. Very interesting. The source of energy comes from wooden pellets, regarded as one of the substitutes for fossil fuels like coal and oil for heating. If you want to know how it works there's more info from Vattenfall here.
Friday, September 12, 2008
Home-baked buns
Thursday, September 11, 2008
Marine helicopter
A Vertol Helicopter from the Swedish Marine flying over Gålö . From a visit to the nature reserve last month. I was taking photos of some giants kettle at Noor when I heard the helicopter. I just had time to lift the camera for a quick shot.
Wednesday, September 10, 2008
At the Museum
Last Saturday during Tungelsta Day saw the opening of a new museum at the Tungelsta Park. You will find the museum on the second floor of the Torklada. It will feature items relating to Tungelsta's gardening history. Back in the 1950ths there was more that 70 horticulture businesses in Tungelsta. Now in 2008 there are nine left. Here you see Mats Wiger in what must be his gallery look. That's a mighty fine wooden box he's saying to himself I think.
Tuesday, September 09, 2008
The Vice President
This is Tony. I met him at the cruiser meet in Handen a while back. He is the Vice President of the Southern Streeters, a greaser club from Södertälje. The club has been around since 1994 and has 21 members.Tony drives a 1960 Ford Starline. He bought the car for 50 000 SEK three years ago. I have probably used another 100 000 SEK on the Ford since then he told me. He was at the meet with friends from the club, and with his girlfriend, their new born baby and his mother. In his professional life Tony works as a truck driver. Cars are his big hobby and his latest project is an old Buick. He also told me that the bass player in the band on stage as we spoke was a member of the Southern Streeters. And as it happened Kenny has a great photo of that same Bass Player.
This is my 81th photo for the 100 Strangers project. You can see the rest of my strangers in my Set
Monday, September 08, 2008
HMS Visborg
This is HMS Visborg, a former minelayer, that now serves as a command ship. Anchored at the former Berga base in Haninge that is now the Swedish Amphibious Corps base. Took the photo a couple of weeks ago when I visited the beach at Årsta Havsbad. Shot this from one of the piers.
Sunday, September 07, 2008
Agnes & Martin
There was a concert with music from the Middle Ages, performed by the duo Agnes & Martin at the Art Gallery in Österhaninge this afternoon. I learned about that from a poster I noticed today, so I decided to check it out. I arrived at the gallery 15 minutes before the show started. The duo was sitting in the garden and I had the chance to talk to Martin before their performance, and after the gig I got a few words with Agnes. They are busy people. Martin has a smithy, shop and a museum (opens in November 2008), in Handen where you can also buy jewellery designed by Agnes. Together they have a son, called Lo, and the family lives next to the museum. As I started to talk to Martin we exchanged cards, and that's when I realised who he was. Funnily enough I had a conversation about Martin and Agnes only a week ago when I met one of my previous strangers, the architect Rikard Lundin. Rikard asked me if I knew about the museum, which I did and we then talked about Martin & Agnes, so it's very typical that I should meet the two of them a week later! Agnes comes from Västerhaninge and she's currently taking a course in Museum Education at the Stockholm University. The two of them often tour the country with a group called Tattarklanen. It's like a medieval and Viking tivoli (a travelling theme park), Martin told me. With performances, music and more. We have also played in some of the restaurants in the Old Town in Stockholm he added.
This is my 82th photo for the 100 Strangers project. You can see the rest of my strangers in my Set
Saturday, September 06, 2008
Tungelsta Day
Today was Tungelsta day. Lots of market stalls at the soccer pitch in front of the school selling stuff that are of no use. There was also some fun rides for the kids, and a few bands where playing. Unfortunately it rained non-stop all day. I walked down to the park where I talked to some of the local gardeners that were selling flowers. The cafeteria was filled to capacity. Which was nice, as you could buy locally themed postcards made by me there! On the second floor of the Torklada, a museum opened today. There you will be able to learn all about the history of Tungelsta. Then I walked over to the old station house where today you can buy locally produced handicraft. Oh, and another fun fact. I was stopped by at least ten people that I didn't know, but who had seen my photos either on this blog or at flickr, so to all of you, it was nice to see you and I'm glad you all enjoy my photos!
Friday, September 05, 2008
Fun Coincidence
How cool is this. At the Cruiser Meet I was chatting with John about the fact that I previously had met and photographed his sister Anna for the Stranger Project I suddenly recognised him. We played soccer in the same team 34 years ago! John was the first player to be scouted to our team of 11 year-olds in Tungelsta all those years ago. Our coach had seen him and managed to get him to join Tungelsta. He was a very quick forward, I was a defender. I left the team after a few years and so did he. At that time he was also a decent gymnast. I haven't seen him since we played together. His pretty girl friend is called Emma. They met online back in February via a dating site and fell in love. And a couple of weeks ago she took the step of leaving her home town and move in with John in Sorunda.
Thursday, September 04, 2008
Madde & Sandra
At the Cruiser Meet on Saturday there was a Greaser Girl contest. I decided to find one of the contestants and take a portrait for the 100 Strangers project. But that turned out to be tricky, I saw no one wearing the numbered page. I asked Kenny if he had spotted any good looking greaser girls, and he said that he was there when they picked the contestants but he had only seen one! That explained the situation, so I took another round with my eyes open for pretty girls, and I got lucky as I found not one, but two pretty girls! Meet Madde and Sandra. They are friends and were at the meet with their buddy Benny ,having arrived in style in his Ford. Madde (to the left), lives in Västerhaninge and works at a Supermarket in Handen. Sandra comes from Vendelsö, and works as a youth centre employee. They often travel to music festivals together. I asked them if they had done anything unusual and told them what Ego had done, as an example to what I wanted to hear. And they gave me two examples. But after thinking it over I have decided not to let you know what the girls told me. And in the end I'm sure they will be quite happy about that. Still, it was nice to meet them. If I see them again maybe I can get some other stories that I can tell you about.
This is my 80th photo for the 100 Strangers project. You can see the rest of my strangers in my Set
Wednesday, September 03, 2008
Heading home after a warm and lengthy bike ride last week I had to stop when I noticed a beautiful girl at a bus stop in Västerhaninge. I parked the bike and walked over for a chat. Meet Stina. Or Kenny as her friends call her. She's originally from Täby but lives in Västerhaninge today. As she was waiting for the bus I decided to shoot first and ask my questions later. When I showed Stina the photos she told me that she took a photo course at Kulturama, the leading secondary school of Performing Arts in Scandinavia, that she attended a few years ago. We focused on film and not digital photography she said. Talking about this reminded her of when the class was outside Rosenbad just when the former Prime Minister Göran Persson announced his retirement. The place was filled with photographers and we were right there in the middle of things she told me. Later Stina had to quit school as she suffered from depression. But now after some time at a treatment centre she's feeling OK again. So what are your plans for the future I asked. My dream is to become a movie director she told me. She's also into music and plays the guitar and writes her own songs. Anything online that I can hear I asked, no not yet, I mostly sit at home and play. At this stage I took a few more shots of her and then we said our goodbyes.
This is my 78th photo for the 100 Strangers project. You can see the rest of my strangers in my Set
Tuesday, September 02, 2008
This is Vegabaren, a hamburger joint in Handen. When it first opened some fifty years ago it was the first Drive-in kiosk in Sweden. For the last forty years it has been a meeting place for Raggare from all over the country. On Saturday there was a big meet here. A few hundred cars, motorcycles and lots of interesting people. Live music and more. I spent a few hours walking around with my camera. Talked to a few people, met some friends. Shot a few portraits for the 100 Strangers Project.
Monday, September 01, 2008
The President
This is Robban. His friends also call him Lång-Robban, or Tall Robert, which is weird since I'm not that tall, he told me. We met close to Vegabaren in Handen. The hamburger bar that was Sweden's first Drive-in kiosk when it opened back in 1958. Saturday saw a big car meet with greasers from all over the country visiting. Robban is the president of the biggest greasers club in Stockholm. It is called Moonshine Cruisers. The club has been around since 1985. We have 18 full members that have the club vest and around 90 other sponsoring members. Tonight we are holding a big party at our club house in Farsta for all our visiting friends. There are people here from all over Sweden, even from as away as Kiruna ( 1310 km), so it will be a fun night. Greasers have been driving out to this famous hamburger bar for forty years. This annual meet is the owners way of paying back for all those years, Robban told me. Professionally Robban works as an electrician. He has a few cars of course. He arrived with his girlfriend in his 1969 Chrysler 300 Convertible.
This is my 79th photo for the 100 Strangers project. You can see the rest of my strangers in my Set
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