Monday, May 27, 2024

Ten sunny street scenes

Möhippa Keep a straight face Lighting up DJ Gågata Smiling Brasserie vau de ville Biblioteksgatan Nocco Grön gubbe
We start with a hen-party, möhippa in Swedish. Snapped while on the bike, waiting at a stoplight at Nybroplan. Then we see two women out on the Riddarfjärden bay trying to keep a straight face while the photographer takes their photo. In the third photo, a tourist is ready to light up a cigarette for some weird reason. Next, a DJ hard at work at a pedestrian part of Malmsskillnadsgatan. In the fifth photo, we see a few Swifties. Taylor Swift was in town for three concerts. 180 000 fans were therewith her. Many flew in from all over the world. I read one story about the many US fans that were here. In the thousands. It was cheaper for them to fly to Sweden, and back, buy a ticket to a show, pay for hotel and food and the rest of it, than it would have been to see Swift play in the US! Madness. In the sixth photo, happy people at the stairs to Dramaten. Next, people enjoying lunch at Brasserie vau de ville at Norrmalmstorg. Next, another pedestrian street, Biblioteksgatan, always busy, year round. In the ninth photo, a woman is handing out free drinks at Stureplan, the hippest of hip places in Stockholm. I managed to not get one, as I would never even think to try a Nocco. We finish like we started, at a pedestrian crossing. This one at Strandvägen.


roentare said...

The streets come alive through your lens

s.c said...

Great phototrip again. Wonder how much photo's have you skipped for you choose these.

Stefan Jansson said...

I never just take one photo or a person or place, nearly always a burst of photos. If I shoot with mirrorless I am usually happy with most of the photos. But with the old 77D there are more snaps that I delete. But I will often use the less good photos in my collage.

RedPat said...

There are so many people out on the streets. The weather must be fabulous. It has been raining here.

Stefan Jansson said...

26C today. From a mostly blue sky, but we did see a few clouds, been a while.