Usually, the artworks at the legal graffiti wall Farstaväggen will be painted over in a matter of hours. This one survived for at least five days. I blame the Winter weather for that.
Daily photos, portraits, and stories from Haninge, Stockholm and Södertörn in Sweden.
Jag ser en pistol, är detta gangster-graffiti?
True. Winter weather can be a good thing too
Yes, temporary is a good for me.
Looks really great!
Mersad Donko Photography
That is very temporary. It seems to be a waste of time if they disappear so quickly.
Admittedly I will never understand the appeal.
As soon as they finish a mural, or whatever, they grab a few photos, post it on social media and move on. I have seen and photographed other works by this artist a couple of times.
Space must be limited if they become temporary that fast or it's just they way it is. Really good mural though.
It is a 20 meter long wall. 2.5 meter high. You can paint on both sides. It is next to a football field. Very busy here from Spring to Autumn. The wall is just a few meters from the bike path that I use, so if I see something I like, I will stop for a photo or two.
Tjena. Ingen aning. Här är en lite skum målning: https://flic.kr/p/2nG6B6Q
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