The Meditation Hill at Skogskyrkogården. The World Heritage Site at Enskede just outside Stockholm. As you probably know by now, I always visit this cemetery on my way to and from Stockholm. During the warmer parts of the year I often park the bike below and walk up the hill and then sit on the grass looking at the scenery while eating my lunch and snapping away as the whole area is very photogenic. On this visit, it was a little too cold for outdoor eating, so I just took a few photos.
Is that blur intentional or was something frozen. I wonder.
Intentional. It is a bokeh panorama, made from six photos. Shot with a 60mm lens at f/2,8. I aimed at the icy path to get the hill as blurry as possible.
It looks cold!
3C when I took this. Much colder now, around -7C.
Nicely composed.
It is 4˚C here and sunny so some people are eating outside but I'll wait until spring. I like this shot.
Quite striking.
I visited the Christmas market in Stockholm a few days ago. As I left, I took a photo of two people sitting outside at a table at a popular pizzeria, waiting for their food.
Thanks Bill, it is a fun photo technique. You shoot it as a normal panorama, but with a very narrow depth of field.
It is a sentimental shot. Love the leading line and a touch of melancholy
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