Swedish word of the day. Myrstack. Anthill. This is a grassy hill near the Snörom farm. Normally there's horses here but they were still at the farm so I walked up for a look around. I try to do that a few times every year and I have shown you a photo or two before. The tree fell a few years ago and has now been turned into a busy anthill.
What a great shot Stefan. Love the shallow depth of field as well as the subject.
Mersad Donko Photography
Maybe the ants cut it down to build their condos? Keep 'em away from the one in the background. I love your composition and DOF.
The tree stump was the perfect spot for the ants to set up home.. Super shot Steffe, watch out the 'old tree' doesn't feel left out :)
I love learning new words! That is a huge anthill....er...myrstack.
Beautiful and peaceful photo
Excellent composition!
I have never seen anything like this, and the image is awesome!
Thanks people. I shot it as a bokeh panorama. So it is several photo stitched together for the effect.
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