Another Tungelsta sunset. Tonight is Walpurgis Night in Sweden. Shot from the hill at Bergdalen. Read some more about Walpurgis Night here.
Sunday, April 30, 2006
Walpurgis Night Sunset
Another Tungelsta sunset. Tonight is Walpurgis Night in Sweden. Shot from the hill at Bergdalen. Read some more about Walpurgis Night here.
Saturday, April 29, 2006
A murdered tree
This is an oak next to my first grade school on Skolvägen (school road) in Tungelsta. My grandfather went to this school! Now someone for some reason has done this to the beautiful oak that I used to climb as a seven year old school kid! PRESS HERE to see how the tree used to look.
Friday, April 28, 2006
Summer Skies...
We had a very grey and misty day in Tungelsta today, so I'm posting a summer photo. Another sunset shot. From an area called Stav. Rural and filled with Horse Farms. If you want to know how grey it was here today I did take a walk up to the old oak (weekly photo project at flickr).
Thursday, April 27, 2006
Calm Waters
Calm waters at Östnora. From my first visit this year. A few people around, working on their boats. I walked around for 45 minutes. A few boats passed, I met one (1) person down by the water. Tested all the piers and rested on my favorite bench. My go back on Saturday, a friend will be down here working on his boat. PRESS HERE for a bigger photo.
Wednesday, April 26, 2006
Home Sweet Home
Mark wanted to see a better picture of the house where I live and here it is. It was built by my great grandparents back in 1909, when they bought the land . They also built a few greenhouses. It has been a busy day here at Bergdalen in Tungelsta today. A few school kids started a fire only meters away from the greenhouses. We caught them on tape. Police was here and had a look on the video tape. There was another fire in Tungelsta a couple of weeks ago and I suspect that it is the same kids. We live next door to the local school so there's always kids running around. A few years back there was another fire in the forest behind the house. Very scary! Hopefully the police can identify the arsonists from the video.
Tuesday, April 25, 2006
missing lifebuoy
Back at östnora for the first time this year. Took my usual promenade around the beach, marina, barbeque hill and more. And then testing all the piers. Here the lifebuoy was missing. But it is still a few month before anyone will go for a swim here so no need to worry!
Buy crap at the park day
Sunday, April 23, 2006
A Nice Reflection
We are having the road that leads up to the house fixed after the winter. This truck arrived with some gravel. I was sitting outside in the sunshine and just stood up took a few shots and that was that.
Saturday, April 22, 2006
That old tree again
Warm and sunny on my walk up to the old oak at Välsta today. This is for the A Photo A Week group over at flickr. Have a look at the slideshow for all the photos of this beautiful tree.
I took this with a new toy. A Photosmart E317. Point and Shoot Camera.
Friday, April 21, 2006
Bergdalen Evening View
This is another shot from Bergdalen, the piece of land where I live in Tungelsta. The greenhouses today belong to a company called Blomorado, my neighbours. Shot from the hill where I used to climb (and fall down) as a kid. This is from my archive. I took this photo in November 2005. The greenhouses were filled with Poinsettias at the time.
Thursday, April 20, 2006
Clouds over the road
This is Stabergs Road in Nedersta. It goes up to the 700 year old farm Nödesta. And then on to Västerhaninge. I have taken some cool shots here before. Here is Winter Hockney. And here Winter Hockney II. I was thinking about another hockney for this one but I think it looks very good as it is!
Wednesday, April 19, 2006
shell station in tungelsta
No gas here. For a few days. They are digging a hole here. Not sure why. Could be some biogas fuel tank. The brick building in the background is the gymnasium at the local school and my next door neighbour. The blue building to the right is a restaurant. We had some amazing weather today. Blue skies and beautiful clouds, perfect for photography.
Tuesday, April 18, 2006
Vasko's Pizza Place
This old house just across the road from the railway station in Tungelsta, was moved to it's current position when the railway line Nynäsbanan was built back in 1901. It was then used as a grocery store, known as Svin-Kalles affär (that could be translated to something like Hog Kalles Grocery Store) for many years. Later it became a private resident. PRESS HERE for a bigger version. Today you can buy your pizza here. I do. When it was a private recidence it was painted yellow. The previous owner visited last week, took a few photos and then described the new (1986) green color as horrific in his blog. But I like this color better.
Monday, April 17, 2006
Typical Tungelsta House
This house is on Skogsekebyvägen 36 in Tungelsta.A few meters to the left you can see this runestone. There's many houses like this one around Tungelsta. And in the whole of Sweden. The paint used here is Falurödfärg. We have used that paint here for the last 400 years or so. You can learn more HERE.
Sunday, April 16, 2006
Early morning at the marina
This is the Marina at Östnora (see my previous photo). Shot on an early summer morning last year, from one of the piers. I like reflection photos. And pictures of clouds, and of the Sea. Here, I got it all in one shot. This is the Baltic Sea. I normally take an early morning bicycle trip to Östnora (10-15 minutes) once every month for a photo promenade and then I always rest on a bench placed on one of the piers and from that bench you can see the beach and the Marina, so I often sit there and take a few photos like this one, before I head for home.
Saturday, April 15, 2006
This is where I go for a swim or a tan or just a relaxing couple of hours in the summer time, weather permitting. It's an open beach a 15 minute bike ride from home. Called Östnora. I used to come here every day during the summers when I was a kid. These days I always go for a photo promenade and I always shoot this view. Standing on one of the wooden piers looking back at the beach. There's a camping site here and a Marina. That's about it, oh there is one kiosk and also a place where people often have a barbeque in the evenings. In other words It's a great place!
Friday, April 14, 2006
My old school
This is my old school. From second grade to sixth grade. My parents went to this school as well. There are a few more newer buildings that you can't see in the photo. In second grade my class room was on the second floor, and in third on the first floor. I live next door an often take photos here. This is shot from a hill and I have taken a winter version that kan be seen HERE. The photo is from my flickr archive.
Thursday, April 13, 2006
Around the world...
This is a sunset shot I took in October 2005 from the hill at Bergdalen in Tungelsta. It was for a new group at flickr called Around The World in 80 Hours. The group never took off but this photo did. Many people like it and I have to say it's one of my best sunset shots.
Wednesday, April 12, 2006
Spring at the horse farm
These days horses are a common sight around Tungelsta. I don't know how many horse farms we have, but over the last decade there has been a few popping up every year. This is not one of those. These horses live at Mulsta in a part of town called Stav. I have taken five photos from here over the last couple of month on my photo promenades. To see this photo and the others, click on the photo. Above the photos click at All Sizes for a larger version.
Tuesday, April 11, 2006
Possible Arson Attack
I came home just after lunch this afternoon. Sat outside in the sunshine. After a while I could smell and then see the smoke from a fire. I ran over to the local sports ground at Idrottsvägen in Tungelsta where a building belonging to my old soccer club Tungelsta IF was burning. I talked to some people and they informed me that it was the second time today that there was a fire here. So it could be an arson attack. More photos HERE. I will update on this story when I hear anything. A firefighter website, FireFighingNews published the story and a few of my photos.
Monday, April 10, 2006
Hello Daily Photo Bloggers!
Hello! This is me, Steffe. And the shadow is from the Canon Ixus. I'm just sitting here feeling the sunshine on my face after a long, and very cold winter. I just wanted to say that I really enjoy all your Daily Photos from around the world. As you might have seen I use flickr for all my photos. All us flickr addicts take lots of self portrait fore some reason! So I figured I would show you how I look on a sunny spring day in Tungelsta.
self portrait,
Woody Woodpecker
Another proof of spring. I see more and more birds around me. All winter I have been feeding them. This is a woodpecker having lunch on my veranda. PRESS HERE for a larger version.
Sunday, April 09, 2006
Under Attack...
This my neighbour Danuta (she and her family runs Blomorado), and her wacky dog Benny. He is a big white boxer and is very very strong. Whenever someone in their family Danuta, Ingemar or their son John takes him for a walk and he sees me this happens! He loves to attack me! This photo is from my archives, I took it awhile back, the snow is gone today. But I'm showing you this because I live in the yellow house in the background, and that's my bike that I use to get around town with my camera. See ya later!
Saturday, April 08, 2006
Runestone at Stav
You will find this impressive runestone in Stav. The address is "nedre Stavs byväg" which translates into lower Stav's village road. The inscription written in the futhark alphabet (the first runes) reads: Auda raeisti staein at Harald, boanda sinn, ok Fastlaug at fadur sinn. Or: Oda raised this stone in memory of Harald her husband and Fastlög to her father.
A Runestone
There are lots of ancient remains around Tungelsta. A few grave fields and other graves. Mostly from the Iron Age and Bronze Age. There are also quite a few runestones. This one stands at the intersection School Road/Skogsekeby Road. The inscription reads: Vigils and Gerhjälm had this stone made after their brother Gudhjälm -björn cut the stone.
Friday, April 07, 2006
Housing Project
New houses being built. This is from a flickr set I call Housing Project. I have been following this from the start. More than 100 houses of different style and design will be put up on a few fields in Tungelsta. It is named Kryddgården, or The Herb Garden. The houses are pre-fabricated and arrive on big trucks. The area around here was previously filled with many small family owned horticulture businesses. My great grandfather was the first of the 100 gardeners that settled in Tungelsta in the last century. Now 100 years later maybe ten are still in business.
Thursday, April 06, 2006
Roe Deer Visiting
Early dinner guest this evening at Bergdalen. A Roe Deer standing outside my kitchen window eating some carrots. I have been feeding them this long winter. We have had 102 days of snow now...PRESS HERE for a bigger version of this photo.
Blue Sky
This property is known as Ängshagen in Tungelsta. Translated to English it would be meadow pasture. My mother grew up in this part of town. Her parents had a small greenhouse business. She lived further up the road. PRESS HERE to see that house.
Wednesday, April 05, 2006
A Tungelsta Sunset
I enjoy shooting sunsets from home. There is a small hill from where you have a great view over Bergdalen where I live. Depending on the season of course. CLICK HERE for the original size. The greenhouse here belongs to Blomorado. During the winter month I can photograph the afternoon sunset from a window on the second floor, a little to easy but what can i say...
Tuesday, April 04, 2006
That Old Tree 360 Panorama Version
Here is a 360 view of the old tree at Välsta. It took 16 shots for the complete view. This is of course the old oxel I visit every week for the A Photo A Week Project. There are a few farms and a couple of horse farms in this area. The oldest Farm is Nödesta, that place has been around for 800 years.
PRESS HERE for the original size. Remember, it's a big file so it can take a while for it to load but it is well worth the wait!
Monday, April 03, 2006
Standing There...
Here is a vertical panorama done with Autostitch. This is from a small port called Söderby Brygga. In the summer time small boats and ferries leave here with tourists on their way out to the Stockholm and Haninge archipelago. With my bicycle I will get here from my home in under ten minutes, but I will be breathing hard when I arrive!
Sunday, April 02, 2006
Early Morning 360 Panorama
I shoot a lot of panorama photos. This is not from today but from this long and cold winter. I took 17 photos here and stitched them with the free version of Autostitch. You need to click on the photo and then scroll down to my link "Original Size" to really appreciate it. And there's more info about the places and a couple of links as well. I hope you like panoramas because I take these types of photos nearly every day!
Tungelsta Winter View
This is "downtown" Tungelsta! Here you can see a big snow covered field, yes this is rural Sweden, the big green building is today a pizza place, the building itself was moved to this location 100 years ago when the railway was built. The railway station is the big yellow house. There's not that many old station houses left in the country these days. The white building used to be the post office but is now a restaurant. To the right is a place called Ankaret or The Anchor.
Saturday, April 01, 2006
It's official!
Spring has arrived in Tungelsta 2006! Came home after a bike ride and saw this on the ground! Didn't see it this morning
That old tree (week 12, 2006)
I have a very fun project over at flickr. Every week I take a walk up to a rural area called Välsta. There are several farms here, the oldest one has been around for 800 years. This oak may not be that old, but it is a beautiful tree and I take a couple of photos here every week. This is last weeks photo. It was a sunny day and there's still some snow left.
Blomorado from the hill
The Daily Photo Map
My first photo for the Tungelsta Dayly Photo blog. I live in a small town called Tungelsta in Sweden. It is a suburb to Stockholm. Just jump on the commuter train sit back and enjoy the ride, you will be there in 30 minutes. This is the new park. A popular place in the summer months. The yellow building in the background is called Musikcentralen and that's were all the local musicians hangs out and play their music.
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