That is a Buick Super on the second photo. The green ride is a Chevrolet Impala, probably the most popular classic American car among the many "raggare" in Sweden. The girl driving it looks very familiar so I have no doubt taken her portrait at the annual meet at Vegabaren here in Handen.
I'm not a car person in general but that second one there is a sexy sexy vehicle
The Buick appeals more to me.
There's a lot of people in the first car, squishy :)
Schyssta åk, jag skriver som några andra redan gjort att Buicken tilltalar mig mer. Har nog aldrig tyckt att Impalan är särskilt snygg i linjerna. Nåväl, trevliga bilder med hög detaljnivå och skärpa! :-)
I'm sure you could get in there Grace if you needed to!
I agree with you all that the Buick is more stylish, but the Impala grows on me every time I see one and i see them pretty much every day during the Summer.
I'm always thrilled to see an old Impala too. You have many more restored cars there than we do here - lucky you!
I'm surprised that ecologically-conscious Sweden has such an interest in these. Growing up in NYC, my family didn't desperately need a car. Our first was a 1956 Chevrolet Bel Air, two-toned, light and dark blue. No one worried about fuel consumption then.
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