I had to find a new coffee place as my favorite cafe closed for two weeks. There were a few to choose from, but I knew that if I could combine Coffee with Candids I would have found my place so I decided to try the new cafe at Poseidon's square. It is called Jordan's Coffee and it seems I nailed it. Been there seven times and here are a few snaps that I have taken during that time. If you haven't yet tried candid photography you should know that it is very addictive, and fun! My friends have had serious problems conversing with me as I'm constantly aiming my Canon left and right. There have been many Pokémon Go players walking and cycling by, and a few familiar faces. And many more.
Looks like you've hit a candid photo goldmine there! I particularly enjoy the guy with the tophat in the top lefthand corner
Oh that was fun pulling these shots in and enjoying the details Steffe 😃 You have definitely found a prime spot here!
A goldmine it is. I still have a bunch of photos from here to go through, so I might do another collage with those snaps. The building that you see in all the photos is the cultural centre and I tried their cafe today, and came home with a few new candids that are still on the memory card.
What a contrast in people. I see at least a couple of them noticed you.
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