The third day of Summer. Decided to check out an abandoned (sort of), farm at Högsta in Österhaninge. I was here with a friend a few years ago. Back then the old barn was filled with old machinery and what have you, so we walked in and documented it. Then, after a snowy Winter the barn collapsed. Most of it is gone today but this has been left in the grass. Part of a machine made by a company called AB Westeråsmaskiner from Morgongåva. Boy was it a windy bike ride. The poor Steel Horse fell down a ditch and one mud guard broke. On my way to the farm I peaked at 40km/h. Heading home into the wind it was more like 10km/h!
Difficult riding in the wind, but a worthwhile visit for this piece of yesteryear.
A very melancholic black and white shot.
Mersad Donko Photography
An ideal subject for black and white.
Nice shot, good contrast!
Translates so well into black & white! There's nothing worse than riding against the wind.. especially if it's on the way home :)
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