Long story. Seven years ago at my barbers place I started to talk with another customer,Johan Henchen. He knew who I was and had something to tell me. While para motoring over a forest in Länna he had spotted a standing stone deep in the forest. He wanted me to check it out. I told a friend about it and he took his hiking boots and walked out into the forest. He found the stone and we learned the sad story. Now seven years later I finally saw the stone with my own eyes. And it really is a sad story. I hope you excuse my goofy photos. I took a few normal snaps of the stone but the camera wasn't working as it should. It was the Autumn of 1941. Lennart Wikholm was a young student. At seventeen years of age he was taking part in an orienteering event in the Länna forest when he had an accident. He fell badly and hurt himself. Sixty soldiers, twenty-five police officers with search dogs and a number of scouts were sent out to find him. He was found dead here two days later. It is a very tricky terrain and he must have fallen down somewhere and lost his compass and map. He then spent two cold nights in the forest (he wasn't dressed for that),before he was found dead. Injuries found on his body talks about a very tough struggle. It is possible that he had broken one of his legs. Again, sorry if my photos offend anyone. Written on the stone: ELEVEN VID BROMMA LÄROVERK LENNART WIKHOLM 17 ÅR GAMMAL SLÖT HÄR DEN 26 OKTOBER 1941 SIN IDROTTSBANA LÄR MIG DU SKOG ATT VISSNA GLAD EN GÅNG SOM HÖSTENS GULA BLAD EN BÄTTRE VÅR SNART BLOMMAR PS 572
That is a sad story Steffe.. and no offence taken :) nice to see you, must be warm.. shorts and tee shirt, about time hey :)
The poor guy, just getting started out in life, and meets a bad end like that...
Yes, it is an interesting story, but a sad and depressing one.
I see you didn't need hiking boots! Your funny photos help in playing a bit down this very sad story...
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