You learn something every day. I spotted this guy at a bus stop at Ribby in Västerhaninge yesterday and knew that I had to take his portrait. This is
Baby Diaper. He told me a few facts about
Juggalo, a lifestyle I know nothing about. Originating from Detroit and the Insane Clown Posse. Baby Diaper also told me that there are around 200 Juggalos in Sweden. They usually meet once a year at a big gathering. I had time to grab a few portraits before Baby Diaper's bus arrived.
Clowns throwing signs? My worst nightmare. I KNEW they were up to no good. Make them go away.
Very interesting and as always a great portrait Steffe.
Juggalo, interesting to learn and quite a lot of info when I goggled! Yes, a lot of things really i can learn from blogger friends like you all over the world !
Not your every day guy at a bus stop.
First time I've heard of Juggalos too. Very interesting. And weird, in a good way, I hope.
Wow! wow and wow. He wears this every day? Luckily I don't have coulrophobia!
Jeg så klokken/armbåndsuret først:)
Ellers må jeg si at du alltid finner interessante modeller, sånn som dagens modell.
His name made me laugh Steffe, great portrait and interesting facts.
Very cool clown!
Very cool clown!
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