Daily photos, portraits, and stories from Haninge, Stockholm and Södertörn in Sweden.
Saturday, June 23, 2012
Midsummer Festivities
Midsummer is the most important weekend/holiday in Sweden. The National Day is nothing compared to Midsummer. The celebration dates back thousands of years and is filled with tradition that of course have changed a bit over the years. Here are sixty or so photos from the festivities that took place at the Höglunda park in Jordbro on Friday. Around 1500 people gathered for a few hours of fun. The first order of business was to dress the Maypole, or the Midsomarstång as we like to call it. That took about one hour. You need a lot of fresh flowers and green tree branches to create the wreaths for the Maypole. Then it was time for the raising of the pole. With the help of young and old that only took two minutes. And then it was time for all the traditional dancing. The round dance took about one hour and was a big hit with both kids and adults. After that a lot of people gathered around the stage and listened to the Jordbro World Orchestra and a few other acts. There was games for the kids and food and candy for the hungry. The Mayor Martina Mossberg and a few other politicians were busy handing out free strawberries. I met many familiar faces and one or two new ones as well.
Ser ut til at dere får en fantastisk midtsommer natt!
Ha det kjekt!!
Imponerende innsats med byggverket.
Never realised Midsummer was such a big thing in Sweden. The 'Maypole' is fantastic, hope you enjoyed the festivities.
Looks like everyone had a good time!
Your Flickr series was a lot of fun to see. You have so much daylight at this time of year, there must be many things to do and places to go.
These are great!
I could always use some free strawberries!
I would love to attend this celebration!
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