This was the local pizza place in Tungelsta for many years, until earlier this year when Vasko retired and two young entrepreneurs took over. They first changed the name to Gröna Huset. The Green House. Next to go was the pizza. The menu today looks very different with a lot of husmanskost, (you will have to google that word me thinks), and more modern fusion cuisine. The next step was to start the exteriour renovations, which the owner of the building will take care of. That would be the company I mentioned in yesterday's post, Turbinen. So far they have removed the old sign and fixed the windows on the second floor.
The colour caught my attention. That would be enough to make me to go in explore the inside.
Looks beautiful. That word husmanskost is huismanskost in dutch en means alday normal food for people. Must be the same Stefan.
You nailed it s.c.
Nice looking building. It's big enough so there could be some tenants living in the house.
Several apartments here. I know a guy who lived here as a kid back in the 1970s. There are many interesting stories about the building, and the people that once lived here. There's talk about a secret room, and of a Royal visit that never happened.
Like Andy I think the colour is great.
Alas to the loss of pizza.
Well then, of course I googled the term. A secret room huh. Wonder if the current occupants know that....
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