You wouldn't believe how much crap the "Magnet Kings", or Magnetkungarna will fish out of the waters around Stockholm. Peter Johansson and Jörgen Hallberg started the clean-up project at Örnsberg where they both live. They have been doing this for a long time now. At thirty different places around Stockholm. They have found bicycles, e-scooters, the odd revolver and many more items. I remember reading an interview where they said that they hoped to one day find the revolver that killed Olof Palme. Here they are at Tantolunden a few days ago. Not sure what they found here, but they can lift very heavy objects with the help of their powerful magnets. I waited around for a while, but they couldn't get whatever it was out of the water.
Still waiting for that sovjet sub then.
It's a never ending project for them.
There are a couple of guys who do that in the harbour here too. It is a good idea and an adventure for them.
That's a lot of work.
That's a very good thing they do, good to clean up waters.
That's an interesting project! I could go for that if I were 50 years younger!
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