I cycled down one of the more boring streets in Stockholm, Lindhagensgatan, to get to this place. This is Hornsbergs beach park, or strandpark as we like to call it. The water is Ulvsundasjön. Always a big hit with sunbathers, lunch eaters, and people out for a long walk around Kungsholmen, (highly recmomended). This was an industrial area for many years. Today you will find a new high-rise and countless cafes, restaurants and more in this happening part of Stockholmn.
It gives a real summer feeling.
Looks like the pandemic is over ???
I can see its appeal.
Been like that for most of the pandemic Andy.
This looks like a 'normal' scene. I have not been anywhere like that for 2 years now.
Everyone looks like they're enjoying the sun.
This is not what you expect to see at the end of a boring street Steffe ☺️
These are great! Full on summer!
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