Nyckelpiga is the Swedish name for Ladybug. They are fun to photograph, but it's not very easy to get a good result. I used all three extension tubes and the nifty fifty for these two photos. It is impossible to shoot with the auto focus on, and tricky in general to find the correct settings. I shot these hand held sitting on the not so dry grass and was attacked by a bunch of ants during the shoot! I have read up about macro stacking and I will try that technique next time to get more depth of field. I found the ladybugs just a few meters from the old tree so I will be back here very soon.
Lady bugs are good. When I was a little boy I learned that you could terrorize little girls by bugging them by putting lady bugs down the back of their dresses. I would never do such a thing, of course, but I heard of other kids that did that.
Reminds me of the seniors in a high school here in our country who recently released 72,000 ladybugs at their school, damaging the school's air-conditioning system. The ringleader will NOT be allowed to walk in his graduation ceremony. Darn those ladybugs! :-)
Great macros. You really bring out their colour.
I love these shots! ;-)
Remarkable. You were awfully close in. I agree about the focusing problems. I've got a 100 mm macro lens and extension tubes. You are encouraging me to put them to better use.
Excellent shots. Sorry to hear about the ants.
well caught. i love ladybugs. and i now love the word nyckelpige.....
Of all the bugs in the garden ladybugs are the only ones I don't mind landing on me :) Marvelous images Steffe, super shiny little sweetie :)
I am not a bug lover or a spider either.
We have those lady bugs.
They are cute but where we live. They bite the lady bugs. And if you squish them. They stink like a skunk.
Sometimes are windows got covered at my other place on the patio door. And one has not any chance not to kill one or two and that is when we discovered they smell like a skunk.
That green cucumber spider. oh no. It is creepy. Your takes are awesome though.
Great macros. I should follow your example and spend more time trying to make mine better.
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