I received an anonymous letter in the mail yesterday. It contained two things. This piece of paper in classic ransom note style, it reads: A competitor to you? Signed The Snitch. The second item in the letter was a business card with an url to a photo blog about Haninge. This blog about Haninge has been here for a decade so I don't think we need another one on the world wide web! The detective in me started working on the note and the card, but I couldn't identify the fingerprints, so I had to dig deeper. And it paid off. I will not name names but I do think I have a photo of the anonymous, (female) writer (C), and a person very close to her (M), whom I suspect is the anonymous blogger in question. Oh, and I have previously spotted C both at my local cafe and in the greenhouse in the park in Tungelsta. I don't miss much...
Very curious!
Well done! I didn't expect you to be so spot on in your research. I even posted the letter far from home in an attempt to mislead you. I must inform you that the writer and the blogger is one and the same. The female person (C) is totally unaware of this little mischief. I have added a link to your blogg on my page. I hope that's ok with you?
The anonymous blogger (M)
There is a saying in English "immitation is the sincerest form of flattery".
Great detective work for a very funny post! I am quite sad for your poor 'competitor'...
Curious and curiouser!
I think they have a sense of humour and so do you. I did look at the other blog but it's in Swedish so I won't be reading that! I am always amazed at your perfect English. It makes looking at your blog a very pleasant experience for me and I enjoy learning some Swedish words when you translate.
Det där var ju onekligen lite roligt. Och den utmaning du fick i tankenöten lyckades du ju knäcka på ett galant sätt. Jag undrar bara om vi som börjat fotoblogga efter dig också måste lägga ner våra bloggar? För det räcker väl med en fotoblogg på internet, eller hur? ;-)
If the other blogger stays away from that old tree, everything will be OK.
Now you should write a detective novel.
Then we could be in for some trouble Jack, because I had a look around Mattias blog and found several photos of the old tree.
Glad to learn you some Swedish every now and then Jenny.
Du har min tillåtelse att fortsätta publicera bilder från Sweden Lasse.
No competition Steffe :)
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