Tuesday, January 28, 2025

At the cemetery

Vinterblomma Icy rose
I walked through the Scattering Garden at Skogskyrkogården a couple of days ago. A new section at the cemeterey. Known as Askgravlunden. Chilly. Maybe 4C. But warm for January in Stockholm. I spotted a few ice roses, and this Winter flower.


roentare said...

Nice bokeh and colours of flowers

s.c said...

Doesn't look like winter.

Stefan Jansson said...

True that. More like early Spring.

Sharon said...

Beautiful! Flowers always make me smile so thanks for that!

RedPat said...

It is so early (or so late) for flowers. What a nice treat.

Bill said...

A flower surprise, very nice.

William Kendall said...

These are beautiful.