The Swedish Whitebeam, or Oxel, in Winter. We have a poetic word for it. Vinterskrud. Not sure if there is an English equivalent. Skrud means attire. Anyway, this was the scene at the old tree two days ago. Much more snow since then. And this morning, most buses and commuter trains have been cancelled. Winter, who knew!
A magnificent scene! Love the nature there.
Mersad Donko Photography
That tree is superb! Love the feel
Looks very nice, we don't have snow here yet...
For that tree, that's nothing. How many times would it have gone through that. Looks beautiful, by the way.
My kind of weather.
The is looking good cloaked in white.
The tree is dressed for winter and looks awesome.
The tree looks beautiful in its winter wear.
Superb tree!In Norse mythology there is one called Yggdrasil that resembles yours
I love seeing your old tree in every season, every kind of weather. Keep it up!
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