Dubbelgångaren. That is the name of the nine meter high iron sculpture down by Lake Roxen at Berg in Östergötland. The artwork from 2006 weighs four tonnes and consists of two identical profiles and depending from where you see the sculpture it will look different. The name in English would be The Doppelgänger. It was made by the sculptor Kent Karlsson. Part of the art project Visions by the Water that needed the help of the local military to get the sculpture to where it stands today on one of two breakwaters out on the lake. I would have liked to get closer to the impressive sculpture, but from where I was standing up at the locks it was impossible to safely walk down to the lake because of the weather condition.
Very difficult to see how great it is in reality by lacking scale.
He does indeed look impressive striding along by the water Steffe. Look forward to seeing a different perspective when the weather is better ✨
That is very impressive and against all that white it really stands out.
Yes, it is impressive.
Cool place for sculptures, on breakwaters .
Cool place for sculptures, on breakwaters .
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