Often when someone leaves a comment in Swedish on this blog it is Lasse Jansson from Stigtomta that has something to say. He wrote in a recent blog post that he had retired his EF 70-200mm f/2.8L USM lens, so I decided to buy it. Met up with Lasse two evenings ago when he and a couple of photography friends were on their way to Nynäshamn and a ferry ride to Gotland. Took my first photos with the heavy lens yesterday. It weighs 1.2 kilo I think. Here are some of the first portraits. First one shows the tattoo artist Niklas whom I met in Handen on Friday. He has a face that is hard to miss. Second portrait is of his friend Jesse.
That is one heavy lens. Interesting subjects---why all the tattoos I wonder--self expressions I suppose.
Admittedly I'll never understand the appeal of tattoos, especially when you can't cover them up anymore.
I don't understand tattoos on the face like that. Especially when there is no pattern or continuity to them.
I do like the lens.
Wow, huge lens. That will give you muscles!
A fantastic lens that you'll love. Tattoos on the face, an individual choice that I hope he still likes years from now.
Those are two men who certainly believe in their craft. Your lens is a honey. You will enjoy it, though it probably won't become an every day lens. I have a 70mm - 300 mm lens, but I only use it for special purposes.
Japp, det är jag som envist (men kanske inkorrekt) vidhåller mitt modersmål i kommentarerna på din blogg. Min skrivna engelska är ringrostig och jag känner att jag inte kan få ur mig nyanserna som jag tror mig klara av på svenska språket.
Jag inser att du funnit objektivet tillräckligt intressant för att köpa det och jag tackar för betalningsöverföringen. Skulle du i framtiden tycka att det är för tungt och otympligt inbillar jag mig att du ska kunna sälja det med vinst. Det är ett objektiv som inte är till alla sorters motiv men när man använder det är 70-200 mm och full bländaröppning på f/2.8 najs som sjutton.
Det var riktigt kul att i all hast träffas i torsdags kväll! Och snygga porträtt du fått till i detta blogginlägg.
Jag tycker att du ska fortsätta kommentera som du gör, de flesta andra här är medlemmar i CityDailyPhoto och där funkar ju engelska bäst. Objektivet funkar fint för porträtt, jag tog ett gäng bilder på Niklas med en annan bättre bokeh-bakgrund och det såg snyggt ut. Hoppas ni fick bättre väder på Gotland än vi hade här i helgen.
It's always exciting to get a new lens, this is a beauty Steffe, I have one for my Olympus too but like Jack said I also only take it out when I think I'll use it. I almost bought a 12-40mm Pro wide angle a few days ago, when I tried it on my camera I realized the wide angle I have already is better ☺
Impressive lens. Worth whatever you paid for it. The portraits are wonderful... if not a bit disturbing to us main streamers.
I got it at a third of what it would cost new, so it was a good deal. It's not very long at 200mm, but the build is very good. I will probably buy an extender to it. The lens is a bit heavy to carry around all day, so I should probably buy a gym membership somewhere.
Cool lens, a bit heavy :-) Good portraits.
I like tatoos, but face is just too much for me. I prefer my daily makeup ;)
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