I spent nearly for hours at Vegabaren in Handen today. It was time for the annual greaser meet. Raggare from all over Sweden got together for a few hours of fun. This is a unique Swedish subculture. Hundreds of American classic cars. A few hot babes. Some cool dudes, and a lot of sunshine. I have enough photos for a few years of blogging.
Jag blir nog lite avundsjuk på denna raggarträff. Mig veterligen har vi ingen sådan i närheten av mina trakter och det kan onekligen vara underhållande och intressant. Inte bara bilar med massor av karaktär utan också folket runt omkring bilarna. Och mycket glimten i ögat med stora portioner humor. Som jag inledde med; avundsjuk. :-)
It's hard to believe you took these shots in Sweden. These people look like they're in a typical city in the U.S.
It does appear that you had some nice weather for this event. Is everyone in Sweden tattoed? I would enjoy these cars for sure!
Quite a car in that first shot!
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