My CDP blogging friend in Livorno wished that he could have been here to watch a bit more of this prefab module technique that they are using more and more of in Sweden, so here are a couple of photos from the new apartment building currently being built at Tuvvägen in Handen. You often see people stop for a while when they are lifting another module into place. These guys (and girls), are professional so it is done quickly and safely.
They built an hotel like that near where I work. You must have a good series of photos of the work by now
Det där var ruskigt intressant att se. Har inte sett liknande prefab-montage av större boningshus men minns från min ungdom att villor kunde komma levererade i ett par olika förfabricerade sektioner. Tänk att man kan ställa dessa boxar uppe på varandra och få ihop ett stadigt flervåningshus. Bra dokumenterat!
I think I would be one of those people who stop and watch for awhile. What an interesting process. I haven't seen it done here.
Thank you for these images, this is something new to me and I was very curious about it!
Inventive architecture. Fascinating.
Ah, so that's how it's being done!
Amazing way to construct a building Steffe, very fast!
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