Tuesday, March 25, 2025

Out walking

Beer O'Clock Embassy of the Netherlands Espresso House Browsing Götgatsbacken Green Laces Wolt Bruno
Out walking along Götgatsbacken on Södermalm. The real name of the street is Götgatan. And then there's the hilly part of said street, and it is always easy to find something to aim the camera at there. People enjoying a beer at Stigbergets fot. A couple walking past the Embassy of the Netherlands. Espresso House if you feel like a fika. Browsing world news. A young mother walking and eating, clearly a multitasker. Green Laces. Vegan shoes? A delivery guy from Wolt trying to figure out why I am am taking a photo of his moped. And lastly a nicely dressed guy walking past the Bruno mall, and behind him a smoker that could loose a kilo or two.


21 Wits said...

I adore seeing street views and watching folks going about their day and often I'll ponder what they're possibly up to. I wonder if the young man pushing the stroller while holding a bowl probably of food, perhaps looking for a place to stop and share together? Or maybe it's a bowl of water for a pup tied up around the corner. So many possibilities! Fun stuff.

21 Wits said...

As usual lots of phones in folks hands!

Stefan Jansson said...

I am the same. Nothing more fun than people watchi g and street photography. Pretty sure that was a woman, btw, multitasking.

Sharon said...

I love the street scenes.

Jack said...

Excellent, Stefan. Especially one and two. Street photos are so much fun.

Bill said...

Great collection of street life images. So much out there to see and enjoy.

RedPat said...

Another fun walk with you.

roentare said...

It is very refreshing to see the people's expression there. A city with so much energy