Daily photos, portraits, and stories from Haninge, Stockholm and Södertörn in Sweden.
It is so dark!
Lately, anyway, I have a lot of acquaintances who are getting a new hip or knee and none of them know what it is due to but they all appear to have exercised a lot in the past. Wonder if that has anything to do with it.
Great shot. I've been to the gym a few times but I quit going when I fell off the treadmill. It was time to only walk on solid ground.
I'm not a gym person either but did go to one for a while a long time ago.
I never been a member of a gym, I'd rather be outside walking or hiking.
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It is so dark!
Lately, anyway, I have a lot of acquaintances who are getting a new hip or knee and none of them know what it is due to but they all appear to have exercised a lot in the past. Wonder if that has anything to do with it.
Great shot. I've been to the gym a few times but I quit going when I fell off the treadmill. It was time to only walk on solid ground.
I'm not a gym person either but did go to one for a while a long time ago.
I never been a member of a gym, I'd rather be outside walking or hiking.
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