Some sad news. This is a view towards the very popular and classic amusement park Gröna Lund on Djurgården. I took the photo a couple of days ago. At the time, the park was open, and I could hear people screaming of joy from all the different attractions. Then, yesterday as I was on my way towards Djurgården I opened my phone to check some breaking news, and read that there had been a fatal accident on the blue rollercoaster ride Jetline, that you can see here. You can read about it on the BBC. One people died. Nine others taken to hospital, three with serious injuries. Since the accident, many eyewitness reports have been coming in about issues with the ride. The park will be closed for a week. Police are investigating.
Sorry to hear that. I must admit that I would never, ever set foot on any roller coaster.
It reached also our news stefan. Terrible.
Yes it was on the news here too, a sad accident.
Oh wow, that is sad news.
I heard that on the news here in Perth, Australia too.
It's sad that people can die and get injured while having fun.
I wouldn't go on those things, too scary and high for me.
That was on our news yesterday. I have never liked roller coasters.
It was on our news too, a very sad accident.
Usually an oversight from substandard safety checks and equipment maintenance.
Yes, that was my first thought when I heard about the accident. Usually teenagers working without any supervision after getting no serious education about safety and all the rest of it.
I have not been on a roller coaster in years. I'd heard about this.
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