I noticed an ambulance helicopter like circling an area, looking for a place to land. I didn't think much about it and pedaled on. Fifteen minutes later, I was close to the old tree, so I figured a first Autumn photo of the season was in order. From a distance, I could see something on the path, but not what it was. Then I met a woman out walking her dog. She told me that there had been an accident involving a girl and her horse. So I took my photo and then turned around. Normally I would continue down the path to where the helicopter had landed, but not on this occasion. The woman with the dog told me that she didn't recognize the injured girl. But it was probably someone from the Mulsta farm. Biking past the farm a few minutes later, I saw that a group of people were sitting outside one of the stable buildings.
Yes such a tree goes through a lot in its long life.
I love seeing this old tree. Sorry about the nearby accident. Sometimes I have to restrain my impulse to photograph every interesting thing. Leaving the girl and the horse alone was probably the right decision.
The tree is looking well. Hopefully the situation resolved eell.
The tree looks like summer has been kind to it.
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