A moment of zen at Hammarby Sjöstad in Stockholm. A woman enjoying the fine weather at Södra Hammarbyhamnen. Just behind her yachts and speedboats were going through the lock either to Hammarby Sjö and Sickla, or to Årstaviken.
Daily photos, portraits, and stories from Haninge, Stockholm and Södertörn in Sweden.
A well-chosen place to go into meditation for a while and fortunately a photographer was on hand to capture it. Beautifully photographed.
Well taken.
Zen moments are very refreshing. She's found a place where she can meditate and soak up sun at the same time.
Great capture!
She is living in the moment!
If I was her, I'd be enjoying that sunshine too, good spotting!
A moment from the '60s . . .
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