Swedish word of the day. Graffare at the Tanto Graffiti Wall. A graffare is someone who creates graffiti. I only learned about that term a few years ago when I took a portrait of a very pretty graffare. I took this photo from the Liljeholmsbron.
Daily photos, portraits, and stories from Haninge, Stockholm and Södertörn in Sweden.
I have never heard 'graffare'. I have always said 'graffiti artist' or 'street artist'. It makes a very interesting picture.
Nice point of view Stefan.
Nice photo. I like view from above above... much more interesting than a ground view.
Beautiful artwork and I had a feeling it meant graffiti!
It's nice to catch them at work!
At least the central work doesn't look like clutter.
I've learnt a new word today, thanks Steffe 😉
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