Another fun Utata project finished yesterday. Called Exquisite Corpse. A painting will be sliced into 30 smaller pieces. Thirty people will then receive their part of the unknown artwork. Their mission, should they choose to except it, is to go out and find something that looks like their piece. I found mine at home on the veranda! When everyone is done the individual pieces will be put together. And that happened yesterday. To see the individual 30 pieces and the original painting (which turned out to be a work of Picasso),
follow this link and the instructions there.
Picasso was a very naughty boy, but keeping in character, with aspects of the original with which your group worked, Steffe.
This is a fascinating type of project. I recall the previous one you participated in.
I dunno but I think your photos are gonna be the death of me!
I would happily try to take part in one of these!
I have nothing more to say! ;-)
Impressive how you can make a picasso out of pictures.
I'm sure you would be good at this Mr Poet. All you need to do is open a flickr account and then join the Utata group, I'm sure we will have another go at this.
Open a Flickr account and join the UTATA group .. goodo ...
Your photo is DEAD on!
Fantastic project Steffe, very clever result!
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