For the last sixteen years there has been a big Greaser meet at Vegabaren in Handen. It's a great event. Greasers arrive from all over Sweden. In classy cars and in really trashy rides. There's usually a few bands playing, and some really interesting contests. Like best Greaser Girl. This is one of the contestants. She is The Girl With No Name. I stayed around for about four hours. Met a lot of people. Took around 300 photos. So you can expect to see a lot of pictures of classic cars and people who look like they are from the 1950s in the coming days. Or weeks...
I remember the car well. She looks vaguely familiar!
Great portrait, Steffe...I'll look forward to your upcoming entries in the Greaser exposition!
It is a great shot. Looking forward to see more.
Yep - fifties Hollywood wannabe, for sure.
That's a pretty cool event and your portrait is just great!
I love the classic cars. Look forward to more pictures.
Greta the Greaser Girl and nice headlights!
My wife and I would like that for our family car. Can't wait to see more shots from this event.
The model fits in well with the car.
I like the composition and colors too.
And I do look forward to see more photographs from the event.
I like everything of the 50s, hope to see much more...
She's just wonderful - love it.
Snygg bild (som vanligt med dig). Jag tog mig friheten att använda den till ett test.
Love that cherry tatoo.
Looking forward to all next photos!
Do you mean Greaser, as in like Grease Lightening? That's funny. The girl seems more "pin-up" than 1950's! Where's the poodle skirt?
Grease? Oh my that's taking me back a few years! Looking forward to the next ones!
Another fabulous portrait. Check out my four women photo today from Casablanca on our travel site (www.vivalavoyage.com). The four women are not as sexy as the photos you capture but they are real people and evoke character.
sounds good to me. cars and girls, what could be better?
She looks fabulous!
Thanks all. It was a great day. Hundreds of cars arriving from all over Sweden filled with happy people looking for a good time. I chatted with many of them and photographed both men and women and many of the classic cars.
I LOVE her dress!
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