The brick church in Tungelsta was built in 1973. The architect was Rolf Bergh. The two Mandorla shaped windows were designed by the artist Tore Bergh. Back in the seventies there was a youth centre in the basement, and me and my friends used to hang there.The reason for that was a miniature slot car track. Before the church was built there was a nursery here owned by the Pettersson family. Behind the church there's a burial ground. The first people to be laid to rest there was from that family.
What an unusual looking church. Does the window have colored glass? Is the window artist related to the architect? I like the story and history of this site. Thanks for dropping by Quincy DP and leaving your kind words.
Spot on Slim, they are brothers. There are roses painted on the glass windows as there lived a gardener here before. Every summer the traditional Midsummer celebrations take place on a grassy field behind the church.Here are a few photos from last summer's event.
Thanks for linking to the slide show. I got a great view of the whole structure. A midsummer picnic is a fun event . . . I like the folk dance and costumes too.
På tomten som kyrkan ligger låg tidigare, ovanför trädgårdsmästaren, även Blåbandslokalen som invigdes 1914 på en tomt om 5200 kvm som köptes 1910 för 840 kronor. Bygget beräknades kosta 800 kronor men då hade man fått tegel till skänks.
Tjena Ingalill, Sune har ett vykort med huset ifråga:
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