A mix of street photos from a walk in the central parts of Stockholm. The street musician in the top photo was playing the old classic Popcorn. It was hard not to hear him, even from far away. The next two shots are also from Drottninggatan. The number one pedestrian shopping street. Always crowded. Always a favorite for street photography. I changed my mind after snapping the fourth photo at the crossing. They are digging up the street at Kungsgatan where I first was headed, so I decided to head over to Hötorget where I took the photo with the people on the stairs to the konserthuset. Next the Non-Violence sculpture aat Sergelgatan, although it was the young woman with her back to me that I really noticed. We finish this walk with two photos from the big square Sergels torg where there are games you can play every day and usually a free concert like the one I showed you a few days ago.
Real street photography where the photographer is completely oblivious and totally unaffected. Very nice Stefan.
Great street photography. Very nice indeed!
One thing I have noticed since moving to a place where there are actual seasons, people make the most and really appreciate the warmth and the sunshine. The minute the sun peaks out here in Oregon, so do the shorts and tshirts even if it’s still a bit chilly. Great shots.
It is very crowded on the pedestrian street.
Great street shots.
Your first shot looks like a game of throne pose. Quite dramatic!
Things look busy.
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